
FILO: Chordata 

ORDER: Marsupialia 

FAMILY: Didelphidae 


POPULAR NAME IN BRAZIL: In the Amazon: mucura; 
in Bahia: suruê or sarigüê; 
in the Northeast: cassac or timbuo; 
in Mato Grosso and Paraguay: micurê and in the rest of Brazil is called Gambá 

NAME IN ENGLISH: Large American Opossums 

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Didelphis marsupialis 

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: from Canada to northern Argentina. Nrasil, Paraguay, Guyana, Venezuela 

HABITAT: Woods, fields and urban centers 

EATING HABITS: Omnivorous 

PLAYBACK: 12-13 days 

POWER: mainly berries, eggs and young birds 

The HAS FEMALE: 12 or 13 teat

WEIGHT OF EMBRYO AT BIRTH: 2 g (around 1 cm) and complete its development in the maternal pouch. 

NUMBER OF CRIES: 3N º OF CUBS: 10 to 15 per litter 

PERIOD OF LIFE: 2 to 4 years 

SIZE: Can reach 50 cm in length without counting the tail, almost the same size. 

CHARACTERISTICS: Features massive body. thick neck, elongated and pointed muzzle, short limbs and prehensile tail, rather thick, round and tapered, only hairy at the base, having small scales covering the remaining part. 

FEMALE: The female has a well developed marsupial, unlike others of the same family, which only has 2 open ventral folds.

COAT: The color of the coat varies greatly, going from white (old animals) to black (young animals) and going through all the gray and bruno shades intermediate. 
The possum (of guaambá, that means empty bag, referring to the marsupial) is a marsupial of the size of a cat. She has nocturnal habits and, despite being a slow-moving animal, climbs into trees with ease, using the prehensile tail to cling to the branches. It feeds mainly on wild berries, eggs and chicks. He rarely visits chicken coops, causing immense damage. 
When pursued, the possum pretends to be dead or expels a fetid liquid produced by axillary glands. In the estrus phase, the female also exudes that strong, easily recognizable scent.
When the pups enter the bag are only 1 cm and stay there within 70 days, where they develop and can face the jungle.


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