
Scientific name: Serinus canaria

Origin: This bird originates in the Spanish islands of the Canaries, on the west coast of the African continent, being therefore bewitched with the hot winds that come from the Sahara. The pleasant weather throughout the year blesses this territory may have had an influence on its survival in this archipelago. 

When the first navigators brought this animal to continental Europe, they were far from knowing what would happen five centuries later, when the Canary became a companion bird in many dwellings, mainly in southern Europe, in the Mediterranean countries, and in the Brazil. The beautiful corner of the male quickly captivated the attention of these men of the sea, who promptly captured the first specimens, to bring back home.However, the bird we generally know by this name is already a mutation of the canaries originals.

The cage: In this species, the male sings, it is thought that to get mate. For this reason, when it is not breeding season, it is normal to see the males separated from the females, to sing more often. The female merely chirps, and not with much insistence. This species has a need to constantly jump from perch, so it is advisable to have several perches in the same cage. The cage should be rectangular and long. Like most birds, the Canary likes to catch the first rays of morning sun and late afternoon, so try to have at least one of these stages given to you, especially in the morning . 

Avoid placing your cage in places where there is a draft, and when it is sunny during the day, protect the cage, so that the sun does not touch the birds directly. Another important aspect is to always have a bathtub with clean fresh water, canaries love to bathe! The breeding of these birds in captivity is relatively easy, just join the couple in the spring and put an appropriate nest inside the cage. As a rule, the Canaria makes the posture and is ready to hatch the eggs. One of the most common problems in the creation of these birds is the female, in the stage of laying, with a crossed egg. 

There are a few ways to try to overcome this problem. One of them, the simplest one, is to coat the canary's cloaca with a lubricating product, it almost always works.It is important to be aware of the time of laying, if the fact that you canine canary does not work, go quickly to a house that sale of these birds or to a breeder who will certainly try to help with your experience.

Feeding: Food for canaries is easy to find, any specialty home, or even large supermarkets, sell appropriate food, canary already mixed with the necessary vitamins. Water should be changed every day and if it is in the sun, must be changed with the regularity necessary to be always clean and fresh.As a food supplement, you can give the Canaries some fresh vegetables, as long as they are well washed in running water. Always keep, at the bottom of the cage, some grains of sand, these birds like to swallow small stones to aid in their digestion.

Life expectancy: The average life expectancy of these animals is five years. Usually it is a loss felt by the family, mainly because they got used to the male's singing, and suddenly will miss you. Be prepared for this eventuality.


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