
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Chinchilla lanigera

ORDER: Rodents

SUBORDEM: Simplice-dentate

TRIBE: Hystricomorfhus or Lagostomides

FAMILY: Chinchilidae

GENDER: Chinchilla

SPECIES: Chinchilla Chinchilla Chinchilla Royal Chinchilla Brevicaudata

GESTURE: 111 days

Nº of PUPPIES: average of 2 puppies

Nº of CRIES: 2 per year

MEDIUM LIFE: 13 years 
Creating chinchilla is not a difficult activity but requires dedication, patience and above all love for chinchilla. 
This nice little animal is a very docile animal, feeds little and does not bother with noises or with unpleasant smells. 
The chinchilla is a quiet animal and timid by nature so the environment we provide should be quiet, away from noise. The tranquility that is provided to the chinchilla will be due to its characteristic of being an animal of nocturnal habits that, without requiring much care, must rest during the day and at night to be active.

The chinchilla eats on average 30 grams of feed per day. The diet will be as simple as possible, but will satisfy nutritional needs. You should always have food and water at your disposal. Its menu will consist of: Fibrous food Constituted by hay, which can be alfalfa (the best indicated as it will be available to the animal in a separation that leads to the cage), legume straw or pasture in addition to raisins and apple without bark. This food must be renewed every day.

Concentrated Ration 
Today, there is already own ration sold at home specialized in the sale of ration (agricultural and livestock). This feed is balanced and has almost all the nutrients needed for the chinchilla. The feed will be available to the animal and must also be renewed daily. We recommend Alcon Hamster Sticks , alfalfa, raisins and apple without rind, plus Labcon Roevit . 
Despite the care taken in the manufacture of the feed, supplementation of vitamin A, D and E. This supplementation should be given with the advice of a veterinarian. 
Always keep an Alcon Rodent block at your disposal.

The water should be clean and fresh and be available to the animal. There are already in the market nozzles for automatic drinkers through which the chinchilla sucks the water, so it is always clean and prevents contamination and wet the cage. 
The remains of food will be removed daily, as they sour and quickly burst and can be the cause of multiple diseases.

The hygiene of the chinchilla is made with a container of calcium carbonate, mesh 100, a substance similar to sand. This measurement is necessary as it contributes to the cleaning of the fur and skin and is degreasing and refreshing. The bath should be done daily in the morning, for a space of 10 minutes. 
We must keep the cage constantly clean. The water fountain will be cleaned daily with plenty of water; once a week should be cleaned with hot water and antiseptic, taking care to rinse it repeatedly. The feeders will undergo the same treatment. The cages and nests will have the same cleaning treatment once a week.

The female is larger than the male, is more aggressive and weighs more. At six months of age reaches sexual maturity. The estrus presents every 28 days. 
It can be covered at any time of year even though breeders indicate that fertility is higher during the winter. The heat lasts 5 days. 
The gestation period is 111 days. During the first 30 days of pregnancy, there is a gradual loss of weight, approximately 30 grams. The second month recovers the weight and gradually initiates the increase up to 60 grams on the initial weight. In the third month, the weight reaches 120 to 180 grams and approximately 10 days before the birth again lose 30 grams.

Other physiological changes are: turgidity and redness of the nipples, enlargement of the mammary gland, inactivity, enlargement of the abdomen. Childbirth occurs during the first hours of the morning or in the middle of the night, lasting for one hour, although it may last up to 24 hours. 
The female is receptive to the male during estrus and immediately after delivery for a period of approximately 36 hours. 
The male lives peacefully with the female during childbirth, so much so that there is a possibility (and often) of coverage soon after delivery.

The average is 2 pups per delivery. It can vary from 1 to 6, but in deliveries with more than 3 offspring infant mortality is very high. The chinchilla is born with completely open eyes, in great activity, the body totally covered in skin and weighs approximately 30 to 60 grams.

It is also born with the complete dentition: two upper incisors, two lower and eight molars in each mandible, in a total of 20 teeth. At three weeks, the newborn can chew and ingest the food in the form of feed or pellets. Many breeders, during the first week, administer half a spoonful of dried (raw) oats. Weaning is completed between 30 and 45 days; in this opportunity, the young are separated from the mother by placing themselves in individual cages according to the purpose for which they are selected, either as breeders or for skin. Some breeders keep the pups in one cage, but by four months they must be placed in individual cages.


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