Iberian wolf

Popular name:Iberian wolf

Scientific Name: Canis lupus signatus 

Geographical distribution: Northern Iberian Peninsula. 

Habitat natural: Forests. 

Feeding habits: Feeding is very varied, depending on the existence or not of wild prey and the various types of grazing present in each region. The main wild prey of the wolf are the boar, the buck and the deer, and the most common domestic prey are the sheep, the goat, the horse and the cow. Occasionally he also kills and eats dogs and takes advantage of corpses he finds. 

Size: Length: 1,10 m up to 1,40 m; plus 30 to 45 cm of tail. 

Weight: Males: 30 to 40 kg; Females: 25 to 35 kg. 

Gestation period: about 2 months. 

Number of children: 3 to 8

Average Life Time: Live a maximum of 15 years. 

Conservation status of the species: The causes of the decline of the wolf are its direct persecution and the extermination of its wild prey. The decline is currently aggravated by the fragmentation and destruction of habitat and the increase in the number of stray dogs.


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